26. How Mothers Shape the World

How Mothers Shape the World Both our married children recently had their first…

25. The Magic Elixir of Exercise

The Busy Executive’s Magic Elixir Exercise is one of the greatest systems for…

24. What Will Your Family Look Like Seven Generations From Now?

What Will Your Family Look Like Seven Generations From Now I was really on the…

23. More Rest Equals More Success

More Rest Equals More Success Time is precious in our high speed,…

22. Eight Keys to Vibrant Health and Energy

Eight Keys to Vibrant Health and Energy With the start of another new year,…

21: How We Make New Year Progress | Round Table

This round table discussion takes place right after we did our 2019 annual…

20: Realizing Dreams: Reality Show Round Table

Realizing Dreams: Reality Show Round Table Our family is launching an…

19: The Best System to Shape Society (Socialism or Capitalism?)

The Best System to Shape Society: Socialism or Capitalism Hi Systems for…

18. How to Examine and Take Control of Your Life

How to Examine and Take Control of Your Life Most people begin their…

17. Make Money More

Make Money More I’m going to do a little rant today on a subject that impacts…