Building Your Family’s Relational Bank Account with Tim & Michelle Seneff

Learn how to build your family’s relational bank account as Tim and Michelle share how to create healthy boundaries between family members, how to create a cadence of communication in the extended family, and how to deal with failure both in your personal life and in business in a way that helps you and your kids see it as a growth opportunity.

This is a rare opportunity to hear the wisdom Tim and Michelle Seneff are gaining as they learn to navigate challenging business and family transitions and intergenerational family dynamics in a way that brings deeper meaning and even joy.

Tim Seneff worked up through the ranks of the private investment firm his father started. He eventually becomes President of CNL Financial Group which has formed or acquired companies with assets of over $25 billion. But everything started to change when a significant health crisis shifted his perspective and the focus he wanted for his wife and five kids. This forced them to grapple with two critical questions:  What happens when the personal priorities of the next generation change or differ from the prior generation?  How do you balance the priorities of work and family when you’re a part of a family business?

Episode Highlights:

  • How wealth and success can create lubrication for life that causes you to miss working on the hard stuff internally and in relationships.
  • The pressure of wearing the family name or business name on your jersey every day.
  • The value of crisis to reshape your perspective.
  • The importance of having healthy feedback circles that call you on your stuff.
  • Learning to enjoy the journey on a slower road where the people you love are with you.
  • How to succeed as the second generation in the family business.
  • Honoring prior generations (even when they make mistakes) while creating a culture of grace and truth and love. Thinking about what grace may I want my kids to give me when I’m older.
  • How to be ready for major resets in life (e.g. relational fractures, divorce, or death in the family)
  • Finding the balance between truth and love. Pressing onto peace instead of conflict.
  • Leading with humility and diplomacy.
  • Doing the deep work of knowing who you are and who you aren’t.
  • Families that play together, stay together.
  • Wearing the right hand with each of your children based on the phase of life they are in.
  • Creating a multigenerational mindset in your children through values transfer and storytelling.
  • How divorce impacts adult next-gen and sibling relationships.
  • The value of seeking personal counseling especially when not in crisis mode.
  • Prioritizing your personal family over your family of origin while still loving your extended family well.
  • Moving from predictable and controlled life to a position of risky adventure taking.
  • The thrill and risk of measuring financial success are based on how much you give to others.
  • Know the truth you believe, not just based on the truth your family believes.
  • Shifting manhood identity to my pursuit of your wife and her heart instead of an identity based on achievement at work.
  • Helping your kids develop the stewardship and entrepreneurship mindset especially when they are raised in affluence.
  • Why it’s valuable for your children to have failure being an option.
  • Importance of not pushing the next-gen into your family business or into leadership roles too fast.

Thank you

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