What 2020 Taught Us | A Family Round Table

It’s that time of the year again where we set our goals and talk about how we can support it in the future!

Today’s episode is another family round table discussion!

2020 was a crazy and interesting year. It took a lot away from us but it also gave us a lot to ponder about. It made us reflect more about ourselves, our relationships, our passions and our values.

In this episode, we’re going to share key learnings from last year as well as mistakes and accomplishments that can benefit our Systems for Success family!

Episode Highlights

  • Key learnings from our family that can help you this year and beyond
  • Focusing on gratitude
  • What is effective blaming and why should you and your family practice it
  • Learning and passing on that learning
  • What’s it like to really come up with a 10-year vision for your family?
  • Building abundant relationships
  • Focusing on that “One Thing”
  • The power of going towards where you’re avoiding and going into the unknown
  • Taking inconvenient moments of last year and finding beautiful moments out of it
  • How disruption helps us realize what matters most

Thank you

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